Cooking Goals 2017

My normal holiday break ritual is to sit down with all my cookbooks, magazines, and favorite blogs and start meal planning for the year. I plan one month at a time. I am updating my master list of recipes so I have a quick reference when I sit down to map out the coming month.  If you don't know what I mean, check out our January 2015 blog post about 5-Step Meal Planning. 

Cooking (and eating) are a big part of my day and my life and therefore require a lot of my energy. I want to make sure it continues to bring me joy, not stress. To that end, I am setting out a list of goals, categorized as DOs and DON'Ts, for my cooking life in 2017. I might post these in the kitchen just to remind me.  ðŸ˜‰


  1. Make some amazing NEW recipes to share with friends, family, and fans of the blog. 
  2. Fearlessly try new techniques and complicated recipes. 
  3. Master bread and pie crust and grilling. They will be conquered!


  1. Stress out when my meal plan goes awry due to kids activities, working late, or a bad recipe. 
  2. Beat myself up when I make hot dogs, hamburgers, or spaghetti for dinner. Life happens and I can't always make fancy stuff (or even healthy stuff) everyday.
  3. Avoid making certain foods simply because my kids won't eat them. I am going to make foods I want to eat, dammit!  

Cheers to 2017! 
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